2-Step Verification

Guide for a 2 step verification

Guide to set up 2-Step Verification

The method of verification is defined by your institution administrator. There are 2 ways of setting it up for your account:

Verification via Google Authenticator


Download the app

Install Google Play Authenticator app on your Smartphone.

Select one of the stores bellow:

Get it on Google PlayDownload on the App Store

To get the Google Play or Apple App Store links on your phone open elucidate.co/2step on your mobile browser to open this page.


Login to the EFI Platform

Set up a new password via the invitation email you received.

If you already set up your password, access efi.elucidate.co to login to your account.

You will see a screen with a
QR-Code after the login.


Scan the QR-Code

Open the app on your phone and authorise access to the camera.

Select "Begin setup" followed by "Scan barcode" and scan the QR-code on the computer screen using your phone's camera.


Type in the code

The app will show you a 6-digit verification number to type in the platform login screen.

This number is updated every 30 seconds. If you don't have enough time to type the code in, wait for the next update.

On the last screen you will get a recovery code that can be used it any time you need to do the 2-step verification and don't have access to your device. Write it down somewhere safe before concluding the setup.

Verification via SMS or voice message


Login to the EFI Platform

Set up a new password via the invitation email you received.

If you already set up your password, access
efi.elucidate.co to login to your account.

The SMS or voice message setup will start after the login.


Type in your phone number

If you are using SMS, provide your mobile phone number.

If you are using voice message,  provide a phone number you can answer to right after clicking on "Continue".

Don't leave the screen while you wait for your verification code.


Type in the 6-digit code

Type in the code you received via SMS or that was provided to you via phone call.

If you don't want to repeat this process daily on the machine you are using, select the "Remember this browser" option before continuing.


Write down your recovery code

You should write down your recovery code somewhere safe.

This code can be used any time you need to do the 2-step verification and don't have access to your device.

document.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', function() { // Get all forms on the page const forms = document.querySelectorAll('form'); // Add submit event listener to each form forms.forEach(function(form) { form.addEventListener('submit', function(event) { // Get the form ID or name for tracking const formIdentifier = form.id || form.getAttribute('name') || 'unnamed-form'; // Check if gtag is available (GA4) if (typeof gtag === 'function') { gtag('event', 'form_submission', { 'event_category': 'Forms', 'event_label': formIdentifier, 'value': 1 }); } // Fallback for Universal Analytics (GA3) else if (typeof ga === 'function') { ga('send', 'event', { eventCategory: 'Forms', eventAction: 'submit', eventLabel: formIdentifier }); } console.log(`Form submission tracked: ${formIdentifier}`); }); }); });