Benchmark Administrator

Elucidate GmbH is an authorised Benchmark Administrator under the EU Benchmarking Regulation (BMR) on the ESMA register and is overseen by the Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) in Germany.
What is the EU Benchmarking Regulation?

The BMR regulates indices used as benchmarks in financial instruments and financial contracts, as well as indices measuring the performance of investment funds.

The objective of the BMR is to reduce the risk of manipulation of benchmarks by addressing conflicts of interest, governance controls and the use of discretion in the benchmark-setting process.

The BMR is equivalent to comparable standards in other markets, including Singapore and Australia, and is widely recognised globally as the gold standard for the regulation of benchmarks and indices.

What does this mean?

The Elucidate FinCrime Index (EFI), is the only regulated benchmark defining the standard for measuring finance crime risk.

We set the standard enabling financial institutions to score and price the risks of financial crime including money laundering, corruption, tax evasion, trafficking and terrorist financing.

We are the first financial crime RegTech subject to regulatory oversight in the provision of its SaaS.

The EFI produces results that are: Defensible, Reliable, Independent, and Transparent.


As an authorised Benchmark Administrator, Elucidate GmbH must make a number of disclosures associated with the provision of the Elucidate FinCrime Index
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