The funding comes at a critical time for the financial sector currently facing a dramatic increase in financial crime caused by the pandemic and exacerbated by growing instability in Eastern Europe.
Lewis is a leading advocate for more effective action at a global level to tackle money laundering and has spoken widely about the importance of and pressing need for reform
Elucidate worked alongside Standard Chartered Bank to build this framework, which uses machine learning technology coupled with a bank’s own data to create a numerical financial crime risk score.
Russian oligarchs appear to have anticipated sanctions months before the Ukraine war started. Insider spoke to Shane Riedel, a financial crime expert and CEO of Elucidate. He said oligarchs moved money through the informal payment system called Hawala.
Economic crime is on the rise globally. In the EU, law enforcement officials estimate that professional money launderers have a 99% success rate in running criminal profits through the existing financial system.
Sihem Mouelhi, COO of Elucidate, a Berlin-based startup founded in 2018 that describes itself as a digital financial crime risk rating agency, wins the operational risk management professional...
To help banks help their customers through these trying times, many fintech providers are extending free, discounted, or accelerated deployment offers to financial institutions.
The regulatory tech market is worth $6.3 billion, but could spike...
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