Benchmarking Financial Crime Risk For Individual Firms

The missing piece of the anti-money laundering puzzle?

Despite strengthened regulation and sustained efforts by financial institutions, anti-money laundering outcomes are not being achieved. Because of this, the standard anti-money laundering toolkit itself is being put under the spotlight.
“Elucidate enriches our internal analyses with additional external data-based assessments.”
Valerie Brunner
Group Head of Institutional Clients, Raffeisen Bank
What you will find inside the paper
The missing piece for the AML puzzle
Absence of reliable metrics for financial crime risk means that decision-makers within firms can face misaligned or competing incentive structures. As a result, immediate business priorities can override financial crime risk concerns.
Better approach
Enabling a more focused, outcome-based approach to financial crime risk
Improving processes
Implementing a continuous improvement process in control effectiveness and business management
Leverage data
Taking full advantage of the data already held by your organisation
Alignment of incentives
Achieving alignment of individual incentives with financial crime risk
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