Sanctions and War: the impact to financial institutions in a complex landscape

A guide to managing relationships and reducing risk.

On the 24th of February 2022, Russia invaded Ukraine, wreaking havoc on the nation and its people, whilst broader repercussions have been felt globally, including seismic changes in inflation and supply chain disruptions.
“Elucidate enriches our internal analyses with additional external data-based assessments.”
Valerie Brunner
Group Head of Institutional Clients, Raffeisen Bank
What you will find inside the ebook
E-book overview: managing sanctions risk
The current sanctions environment is complex and fast-moving, showing little sign of slowing down in light of the current geopolitical issues and tensions.
Global landscape analysis
The global sanctions landscape; from sanctioned institutions to regulatory violations
Risk assessment and management
How to determine your sanctions risk exposure and the benefits of effective sanctions management
Technology challenges and benefits
The operational and technological challenges of managing sanctions
Our innovative approach
Elucidate's product offering and how it supports sanctions risk management.
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