Download our whitepaper summary

Our scoring engine, the Elucidate FinCrime Index (EFI), sets the standard for financial institutions to score and price the risks of money laundering, corruption, tax evasion, trafficking, terrorist financing and more.

The EFI uses institutions’ data to assess the effectiveness of the financial crime risk management controls and their proportionality to inherent risks identified.
“Elucidate enriches our internal analyses with additional external data-based assessments.”
Valerie Brunner
Group Head of Institutional Clients, Raffeisen Bank
The first company subject to regulatory oversight for a financial crime risk benchmark
Our scoring engine, the Elucidate FinCrime Index (EFI), sets the standard for financial institutions to score and price the risks of money laundering, corruption, tax evasion, trafficking, terrorist financing and more.
Nine scores across a range of risk categories, enable a nuanced FinCrime risk analysis utilizing more than 1200 data points and multiple data sources.
Thanks to external oversight and regulations, you can trust the the impartiality and accuracy of the EFI's scores.
Benchmarking regulation mitigates the risk of manipulation by addressing conflicts of interest, governance controls and the use of discretion in the process.
With a clear and documented methodology, you have detailed insights in how scores are calculated
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