
A collection of articles about how technology is impacting the finance and banking industry.
Overcoming experimenter’s bias to better manage financial crime risk
Overcoming experimenter’s bias to better manage financial crime risk
Financial crime is pervasive, dynamic, and often on such a scale that even the most apparently safe industries and regions are open for exploitation.
Elucidate team
Feb 9, 2023
 min read
Preventing financial crime with a data-driven approach
Preventing financial crime with a data-driven approach
Information sharing and collaboration across all concerned parties within the financial system is critical to successfully combating financial crime.
Elucidate team
Feb 9, 2023
 min read
How COVID-19 exposed the need for innovation in correspondent banking
How COVID-19 exposed the need for innovation in correspondent banking
Times of crisis often lead to an odd mix of tragedy and innovation, and the global COVID-19 pandemic has been no exception.
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Elucidate team
Feb 9, 2023
 min read
A more effective risk management in correspondent banking through data
A more effective risk management in correspondent banking through data
[Case Study] Learn about some of the major challenges faced by financial institutions with extensive correspondent banking relationships and networks.
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Elucidate team
Feb 9, 2023
 min read
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